A long hiatus, dear readers!
I worked Thursday and Friday - have found that side effects are few this go round. I am so very fortunate so far!! Amazing what medicine has been able to do to minimize side effects. I am taking days to protect my immune system -at least 10 per month - this time has been a kind pf 'prep for retirement' exercise. Here I have all this time to write and draw and paint - and find I don't use the time to greatest advantage!
Working life has so conditioned me to focus on work tasks - to use up time. While I love my work, feel rewarded by involvement in supporting opportunity, learning and education, I find it hard to use this time to explore parts of myself I have hungered to seek out. In the last week, I have begun to allow myself more time for those things I have wanted to do for so long.
Time. How we yearn for it yet squander it. I think these days about valuing every minute, appreciating the fullness of experience. I have spent many hours in our recliner, looking at a side window on the yard. I have for the first time noticed how the view changes through the day, how light paints the colors and and shadows in such varieties and differences. I am seeing the world, now that I have the time.
So back to work in the coming week, determined to consciously value my days! As always, your responses and thoughts energize me! I'll be writing this week more about health care and research: my friend Linda Dziobek, a leader in the state cancer coalition, is providing me with lots of info and ways to be active!! Stay tuned! ApopSal