Friday, May 7, 2010


As I approach the end of one chemo cycle and begin planning for the next, I have been celebrating with family and friends! Last week was an amazing week, with a fantastic visit from grad school friend Virginia C., gathering of my prison volunteer pals with Liz M. and Sally E., plus Bobbi H. and my Beth, breakfast with first RI friend Marilyn, and visit from Sister Sue and husband Tom for the weekend, and a shared meal with cousins Louise and Mary! Whew! A whirlwind of appreciation.

As I have written earlier, this strange journey has intensified so many relationships - and brought me closer to friends across the country. The ongoing responses on this blog from Lorraine in Atlanta, (remember 'Edge of Night' commune?), Vicki in Boston, of the Atlanta days, brother George in Virginia, friend Mimi in Ohio, birthday buddy Janet here in Providence, and many more, always brighten my moments.

"Our own life is the instrument with which we experiment with the truth."
Thich Nhat Hanh

And in this life, I am experimenting with the truths of love and hope, the gifts of so many. Today is a balmy May day, with trees and grass dressed in the new spring green, a balmy breeze caressing our passages, and sun warming our moments. The door is open to the future. Enjoy, dear readers!


  1. and this puts me in mind of one of my few go-to poems:
    The breeze at dawn

    Has secrets to tell you

    Don’t go back to sleep

    You must ask

    For what you really want

    Don’t go back to sleep

    People are going back and forth

    Across the doorsill

    Where the two worlds touch

    The door is round and open

    Don’t go back to sleep



  2. you continue to be a source of inspiration, a muse, and a sage. I love you for being a such a window into my own life.

    Bro g
