Monday, April 23, 2012


Greetings Dear Readers!  So three infusions are done in this latest adventure - feeling pretty well, fewer side effects, hopeful for outcomes (immune numbers heading downstream!)  This weekend I will begin the three weekend series of Expressive Arts Facilitator training at Salve Regina University in Newport RI.  This will extend the work I have done with the Expressive Arts/ meditation workshops carried out by Sandra Salzillo Shields at the Women &Infants Women's Oncology center in Providence.  Her work helped me realize the incredible power of both meditation and visual expression during the healing/recovery process.  I am thrilled to be moving ahead with this experience.

As loyal readers know, I have been extremely fortunate with results of the medical treatment (chemo and radiation), experiencing few of the severe side effects with which patients often suffer.  I have had such amazing support from friends and family, especially my spouse Beth, who keeps me behaving myself (most of the time!)  As I continue to move ahead on this "chronic recurring cancer" path, I have realized the absolute importance of living dynamically:  greeting each day open for full life experience, for creativity and action. 

I am exploring the various paths of visual versus textural communication, and the power of images beyond words.  I expect these workshops will provide rich resources for many aspects of my public life, as well as giving me ideas for my personal journey with visual expression.  (this image comes from another expressive arts program called the Mandala Center in Colorado.) 

As I move ahead into new phases of exploring ways to confront recurring cancer, this will provide powerful tools to unlock our innate abilities to heal ourselves and understand how we can turn the overwhelming experience of cancer into an exploration of ways to extend our life force.  Plus I know the experience will be fun and freeing!  Will keep you posted! 

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