Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Hi faithful readers!  New adventure - clinical trial!  I'll be testing a new drug that carries chemo directly to my specific cancer cells.  Next week I'll be in Bean Town for four days for the first cycle of the trial - hotel paid by the trial!  I'll use the time to get back to my expressive arts work and to write write write.

So I'm a guinea pig.  or a Lab Rat.  At least my cancer will contribute to the effort to seek new more effective treatments.  From what I understand, this new drug targets so called "receptors" enabling the chemo drugs to get through to the cancerous cells.  It is still an assault from outside (chemo poison) but hopefully for stage 4 folks like me, these kinds of drugs will send my cancer cells into apoptosis without too many side effects (happy crossing over, you destructive little buggers)!
Hope they don't make me wear rat ears - but whatever it takes!!  Still working on my insurance research... will keep you posted!  And RI is about to pass same sex marriage -at last!  Homophobia is a cancer that needs to be eradicated NOW!  And thank you President Obama- yes we do want to live in the land of the FREE!


  1. Best looking guinea pig I ever met! Hope those trials prove successful for both you and all the mothers you are helping by being part of them. Apoptosis!! Love and hugs to you, my beautiful sister. Lorraine xxoo
