Friday, September 23, 2011


Irony is surely the nature of life! Me, the healthy gal for 65 years - surprise! The Big C! Twelve months of chemo- positive Sal pulls through - remission. Surprise - I'm BAAAACK! Eight weeks of radiation - faring pretty well with side effects - this week - NO VOICE AT ALL! I'm telling you, dear readers, not being able to talk for Chatty Cathy herself is quite the challenge. I've become a talented whisperer. And a creative non vocal teacher!
It has propelled me to write more - I want to do this anyway. (Although I've been very neglectful of this blog of late - sorry faithful readers!!) I think it's the perfect dilemma for me, aside for presenting quite a few challenges at work. I'm considering taking up sign language - always wanted to learn it anyway!!
I'm reminded that listening and writing are both extremely pleasant. I'm learning more and more, and probably making more friends to boot. (How many people always wanted me to zip it....) Apparently my voice should return following treatment, but one never knows - maybe this too is an unintended gift...
And then today, a few more 'gifts' - first my "hyperthermia" treatment was canceled due to the fact that my neck looks increasingly like a plucked chicken - radiation is a bit warm - then after my radiant zapping, I go out to claim my car from the wonderful Valet service - and they've had an accident with my car! Someone quite violently backed into my front end,
according to the Chief of Valet - what a service!! (Doncha luv cars...)
I think the universe is testing my ability to stay positive - well - HA! I can laugh in whisper!! I'm still here, enjoying the beautiful fall, loving my students, hating politics, adoring Beth - you can't get a gabby gal down!!! I'll be back soon... xxSilent Sal