Monday, July 25, 2011


Oops, this didn't publish earlier - out of sync, sort of like life, but always good garden thoughts...It's a stormy Monday, dear readers, and the first day of my vacation (pre-radiation getaway). We had a lovely summer weekend including dinner with Don, Trish and our beautiful Maddie, our Bell Street Unitarian meditation time, and a wonderful dinner with friends Ellen and Stu. I've captured the mid summer wonder of my somewhat crazy garden, complete with the amazing garden totem made by friend Sally W.

Friends, meals, garden time - these are a few of my favorite things! We are heading to New Hampshire this week for a mini vacation - just three days, but a wonderful adventure on an idyllic lake with the frantic family ( calmed by nature).

Gardens, green, nature and nurturing family are among the many gifts of the every day that grace my life. Our ability to feast our eyes on flowers is surely a sign of spirit in the universe. I am reminded of the privileges of my life, reading about the chaos elsewhere in the world, attempting to respond in some small ways.

Enjoy the week, dear readers - will report on our odyssey when we return! xApopsal

Thursday, July 21, 2011


So they molded this wierd netting to my face - the base for my cover up mask during radiation. Quite a procedure!! Feels really strange and other worldly. Then then creat a radiation resistant sheild for my head and neck except for the targeted location of the lymph nodes.

My practice with meditation comes in handy - I have to stay VERY still for at least 30 minutes. There's always tests and more tests in this game - I guess they need to keep the economy going...

Well, at least my arrow is not through the brain! So Beth and I will be taking off next week to New Hampshire for our pre-radiation vacation (has a nice poetic ring to it.) It will be grand to be kayaking, fishing, watching stars at night at this lovely secluded spot - far from hospitals, treatment and tests! That's the kind of therapy that works for me!!

dearest readers, think of us as we pursue lakeside meditation - send vibes for sun and good fishing. Once again I am focusing on the beauties of each day, the joys of my loving partner, family and friends, and peace of acceptance.

May all my loyal readers have a lovely week - I'll be checking in soon!! xxxxApopSal

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Greetings dearest loyal readers - the good news is - the only little monsters left are the two bumps on my neck (lymph nodes.) My doc has advised radiation so it's on to this new adventure. A regular "glow girl" I'm going to be! I'm learning that current radiation can be highly concentrated and directed - an X ray beam is modulated to hit the malignancy directly, with little or no damage to healthy tissue. I may have to wear a protective mask, so I'm thinking of doing some creative masks as I enter this new course of action!

Otherwise, our New England weather is fantastic - 80's with no humidity today! (Why am I inside??) Beth and I are truly enjoying our deck and gardens this year - hope all are having a fabulous summer! xx

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Nuclear Me and a Food Fest...

Greetings loyal readers - again a long break. I had the strange PET scan experience today - shot up with radiated sugar, wait wait wait, ride through the X ray tunnel. So now it's wait wait wait again. But summer is beautifully here, and I'm sitting viewing my garden, the miracle of flowers.

I hope all had a delicious holiday weekend - my dearest bro George was here for a true foodie fest! When one is savoring life for each moment, tasty trips are a must!! First we picked him up in Boston and went to Rialia - a real foodie's mecca. (Vegetarians skip the next section...) We supped on mussels and clams, fish in an amazing pesto broth, and an unbelievable lamb dish. We did of course honor the animals who provided this palate pleasing fare. Enamoured of lamb, we bought our own the next day, made a rub and grilled it with vegetables. Julia provided the recipe for mint sauce, and our Mom (looking down on the feast we were sure) had given the invigorating creamy basil dressing. Finally, Friday we topped the culinary adventure by heading to the shore, enjoying whole friend clams (ah those bellies - you can't get clam bellies in the South where BroG lives and eats - only those deep friend rubber bands...) For Rhodies and vacationers, there's nothing like sitting on the deck at Georges of Galilee, sipping a cold one and chewing clams! Then we strolled to the docks to purchase lobsters, mussels and clams right off the boats which we hauled home and steamed with fresh corn. Food network fans, eat your heart out!! Thanks dearest BroG for the excuse to pig out - with kudos to matchstick Myagi..

A note to all fans -send good vibrations to my friend Joanne who has just been diagnosed and is facing treatment soon. Support from loved ones, friends and community have surely been my lifeline. Here's to a summer of health, healing and happy eating! xx