Sunday, January 26, 2014

Greetings at Last!!

Hello Loyal Readers!  The holidays, a vacation in (beautifully warm) Florida, etc. has taken me away from regular posting.  I had a difficult event in late November - an allergic reaction to one of the chemo drugs I was on.  Carboplatin is a platinum based chemo - and the body can only take so much.  It had been such good news in November that finally, after a year of new tumors growing, and four different treatments, we were so thrilled that the tumors were finally shrinking with carbo and taxol.  After the allergic reaction, I can't have carbo any more - so we were worried about whether the tumors would continue to shrink with taxol only.  It was a roller coaster ride!

We did put the  possibilities aside and enjoyed our Florida respite - then came home to a CAT scan and good news - the tumors are continuing to shrink!

Otherwise, I am getting into my sabbatical research - it's great to be at home and learning so much about autism, deafness and dyslexia.  I also found out that the YMCA has a "Livestrong" program for cancer survivors - free!  So I will be having great workouts twice a week for 12 weeks.  I also will be doing Expressive Arts workshops for my Livestrong group.

So, dear readers, I continue with the ups and downs as a "survivor" - you never know where these buggies are going to take you - but I'm so lucky to have quality of life with my amazing partner/wife Beth.  Each day offers new opportunities for hope and creativity.  I promise I won't be so negligent this spring! xx