Sunday, January 26, 2014

Greetings at Last!!

Hello Loyal Readers!  The holidays, a vacation in (beautifully warm) Florida, etc. has taken me away from regular posting.  I had a difficult event in late November - an allergic reaction to one of the chemo drugs I was on.  Carboplatin is a platinum based chemo - and the body can only take so much.  It had been such good news in November that finally, after a year of new tumors growing, and four different treatments, we were so thrilled that the tumors were finally shrinking with carbo and taxol.  After the allergic reaction, I can't have carbo any more - so we were worried about whether the tumors would continue to shrink with taxol only.  It was a roller coaster ride!

We did put the  possibilities aside and enjoyed our Florida respite - then came home to a CAT scan and good news - the tumors are continuing to shrink!

Otherwise, I am getting into my sabbatical research - it's great to be at home and learning so much about autism, deafness and dyslexia.  I also found out that the YMCA has a "Livestrong" program for cancer survivors - free!  So I will be having great workouts twice a week for 12 weeks.  I also will be doing Expressive Arts workshops for my Livestrong group.

So, dear readers, I continue with the ups and downs as a "survivor" - you never know where these buggies are going to take you - but I'm so lucky to have quality of life with my amazing partner/wife Beth.  Each day offers new opportunities for hope and creativity.  I promise I won't be so negligent this spring! xx


  1. So glad to see you blogging again, it means things are going well with you. There is an interesting article in today's NY Times called 'How Long Do I Have?" by a 36-year-old neurosurgeon diagnosed with lung cancer. He talks about how it would be different if he knew he had 10 days, 1 year, 10 years, but in fact it's only a more meaningful version of knowing that you're going to die some day, what are you going to do in the meantime. That's what's so great about your blog, you deal with how to live under the sword of Damocles.

    1. Thanks,Roger - yes, we are relieved that the new tumors are still shrinking! I read the NYT article as well - I don't know how I would feel if I were only 36 - but yes, I try to focus on LIVING each day - not letting the big C dominate my life. I am enjoying my sabbatical research - I feel useful and excited about providing new models to my college. Also, I have plans to do two workshop series using my expressive arts training this spring. Right now, we are happy to have 38 degrees rather than minus 8!! And to focus on the positive - each day brings us closer to spring!! Until my next blog..xx

  2. So glad the C is shrinking away again - yahooo!! You're one amazing woman, Sally...still contributing so much to others and the world while fighting this disease - right on, sister! So glad you got down to FL...I did too just recently to visit two cousins in N. Delray Beach - nice to get away from the ATL weather for a few days. May you have many more days of adventures and meaningful experiences. Love & Hugs :-)
