Thursday, July 21, 2011


So they molded this wierd netting to my face - the base for my cover up mask during radiation. Quite a procedure!! Feels really strange and other worldly. Then then creat a radiation resistant sheild for my head and neck except for the targeted location of the lymph nodes.

My practice with meditation comes in handy - I have to stay VERY still for at least 30 minutes. There's always tests and more tests in this game - I guess they need to keep the economy going...

Well, at least my arrow is not through the brain! So Beth and I will be taking off next week to New Hampshire for our pre-radiation vacation (has a nice poetic ring to it.) It will be grand to be kayaking, fishing, watching stars at night at this lovely secluded spot - far from hospitals, treatment and tests! That's the kind of therapy that works for me!!

dearest readers, think of us as we pursue lakeside meditation - send vibes for sun and good fishing. Once again I am focusing on the beauties of each day, the joys of my loving partner, family and friends, and peace of acceptance.

May all my loyal readers have a lovely week - I'll be checking in soon!! xxxxApopSal


  1. Have a one wonderful pre-radiation vacation you guys! It sounds absolutely peaceful and healing. Hope you enjoy and soak-in every minute of it. Will be sending healing prayers and love through the next couple of months...or however long that treatment lasts. :-)


  2. Loyal Reader V. Gabriner checking in from Brookline. Had to laugh as you described the beautiful New England weather, seeing as how we're all just recovering from the awful 100 degree heat & humidity that has blanketed the region for a few days. But it's cooler today & I can imagine you & the fabulous Ms. Beth happily pursuing lakeside meditation & vacationing. Don't forget your miso soup during radiation. Will be thinking about you, sending loving rays to go along with the other kind of rays you'll be receiving. XO VG
