Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Victory - Louis Ulrich, SculptorDearest Loyal Readers!   The great news is that finally I have succeeded in reversing the denial of my insurance coverage for radiation.  It took me 15 months, countless phone calls, e mails, faxes, etc. to finally get Unicare to recognize that they need to pay the $107,000 for my treatment!

I am starting a campaign to enact legislation that will require hospitals to pre authorize with insurance companies for any treatment that costs more than $500.  As I have written in the past, Women & Infants always checked for me, but RI Hospital did not.  I think of patients who have limited formal education, limited literacy, limited English, or are too sick to pursue this grueling task.  Cancer patients don't need the added stress of fighting their insurance carrier!!

I said with each contact that if I didn't get satisfaction, I would go to the media.  I still plan to see if anyone if interested in the story even though I eventually succeeded.  In this time of fighting for a functional national health plan we need to put the insurance giants in their place - they are private profit making enterprises that earn their profits by collecting premiums and NOT paying for claims. 

So that's one burden out of the way.  Friday I travel to Boston for a CAT and a dr. visit to see if indeed the big C is still hanging out in my system.  Think SHRINK and REMISSION!!  Ta Ta for now...xx


  1. Hurray for your victory!...and I hope you find a way to publicize your story as one more example of how our "health care system" isn't really that at all, but one more way for businesses to make profits.
    Definitely will be sending "shrink" and "remission" prayers and chants your way.
    Love & Hugs,
    Lorraine :-)

  2. Thanks for keeping us updated! I like the new hound!
