Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hit the Target!!!

Well, a month - had second treatment, with steroids and nausea drugs - all going fine!!  The biologic carries the chemo directly to the cancer cells - GO APOPTOSIS!!  Seems that if my bod continues to handle this new form of treatment well, I will be getting treatment until remission reappears.  Since it goes directly to the cancer, there are few effects on bone marrow or liver, etc.

Gene research is teaching us so much about cells and solutions to the cancer dilemma.  Our bodies have the capability to support resisting cancers - by enlisting the power of our genetic make up we can do search and destroy missions!!

I see this as the new sport - hitting those cancer cells bulls eyes - sending those vampire cells to their well deserved transition.

Meanwhile I make the transition to chronic cancer treatment - and live my life day by day!

After 3.5 years of this dance, I am getting used to the fancy footwork!!  The crisis is over, and it's the ongoing living with it that takes a bit of getting used to.   Time to move from cancer victim to cancer survivor!!  So, you little biologic warriors, carry that payload and do the deed!  You are my oaken stake - send it in!!  The combination of chemo, loing support, creative spirit, and meditation... More on this new treatment to come...  Sal


  1. Great Goddess! wonderful to hear this. :-)

    You are an inspiration. So grateful you came back into my life after so many years.

    Sending Apoptosis prayers to the Universe and healing energy to you.

    Love & Hugs,
    Lorraine :-)

  2. Steroids and nausea drugs? Bet you were not feeling tip-top. Probably your body has been assuming new and different shapes. Best wishes, hope it hasn't been too terrible, glad the crisis is past. What cheer!

  3. Do you do any type of juicing or dietary things that have helped?
