Thursday, June 9, 2011


So I've neglected you, dear loyal readers, and hope to reconnect. After news of 'remission' I returned to work, and immersed myself in the everyday. It's been fabulous to be working again with students, to reconnect with friends at Bristol Community College, to have a coupe of Cancer Free months. We've had a cool raining no spring, but this week summer has arrived in full bloom, and my garden is thriving. The purple iris have been spectacular, the peonies fabulous, the scotch broom delicious. Now the ruby honeysuckle is in full bloom, and the hummingbirds are back. I have tomato plants in flower, basic sprouting, show peas climbing and lettuce thriving. I'll be putting cucumber sprouts in tomorrow, and maybe a hill of squash (as opposed to a hill of beans...)

So as I wander down this year's garden path, apparently my journey with the Big C is not destined to be complete.

I learned yesterday that there is still in all likelihood some of the little monster left in my system. With my female innards gone, cancer cells have reappeared in my lymphatic system - the sites on my neck that exploded last year. I don't know for absolute certain how extensive the regrowth is - CAT scan tomorrow - but Dr. D. seemed certain that there is a returning malignancy and will probably recommend radiation. This is not my favorite choice of new adventures, but I will move forward with whatever has the best chance of discouraging the monster.

So I'm sending out messages via e mail and facebook to alert you, my friends, and hope to re establish dialogue. If you get this, thanks for returning, and joining the trek once again.!! I do like to journey with family, friends and loved ones! xx


  1. Our peonies are blooming (2 out of 3 anyway) and the Westeria is already out of control (I think Westeria is latin for "bet you can't catch me)
    We have had one hummingbird and no Orioles, but every hopeful.

    My niece, several years ago said "cancer sucks!" and I could not agree more. This battle is unique, but you are never alone my friend.

    While your garden is certainly fragrant, and gentle to the eye, its beauty belies the power and strength of its mistress.

    Be strong Sal,and know so many people care.

  2. Be strong my sis in have come so far and I know you have the strength to fight the little monsters. We are with you in every way. Love you

  3. Yes, as the Prof says you have wonderful power and strength...and as Adele says may you once again succeed in beating those "little monsters". My Love & Prayers are flying your way and will ask many other dear friends of ours to send you theirs as well.

    Peace dear sister,
    Lorraine xxoo

  4. NUTS!

    All power to you!!

    Let's get together & dance the cancer demons away!!!

    XO VG

  5. The fact that you can share the beauty and life of your garden with us, as you deal with your setback, is the same strength that puts you in a special category. xoxo
