Monday, May 20, 2013

Laughing at Cancer!!

So my doctor - the stylish Dr. D - is now a cancer comedian!  Yes!  We all need to laugh at cancer sometimes.  Dr. D. remembered the time I had called about a lump and a pain in my abdomen.  I didn't want to travel to Bean town if I didn't have to, so he asked for a picture.  I sent him a headshot - wasn't sure why he wanted a picture of me, but, hey, he is my doctor.  Actually he wanted a picture of my abdomen!  We definitely laughed together.  Dr. D wrote this about humor and cancer:

"In general, laughter and humor do not come to mind when one talks about cancer. Oncology is a serious endeavor aimed at treating a life-threatening condition. Our profession and our patients compel us to stay abreast of new findings and new treatments, to engage in a conscious and thoughtful discussion about next steps, and to always be honest. Indeed, as I look back, nowhere in my training or practice has anyone ever said, “But remember to laugh.”
In reality, patients want to be treated as people, not a condition, and part of the way we can do that is to engage them beyond the realm of cancer. We do it already when we ask about how a spouse or a child is doing, what plans are in place for a weekend, or just a simple “how are you?” But we can do more, especially for patients we have known for a long time. Sharing a joke, an anecdote, and a laugh are as human as holding one’s hand. In addition, as this small paper reminded me, at times, laughter can also be the best medicine."  (from the "ASCO Connection")    Hey - we all need a chuckle!  Who among us doesn't pull out the "cancer card" on occassion (helps to get to the front of the line...)

So I get all the laughs I can - and having a doc who shares my comedic sensibility is grand.   I do think my hearing isn't that bad yet....  


  1. Laughter does wonders for the soul. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Much strength to you. Be well. Gisele

  2. So glad to see you are laughing as much as you can...always makes me feel much better and have a slightly different perspective.

    Love Always,
    Lorraine :-)

  3. That's a great story Sally. As a comic wannabe, I know how humor and laughing are so good for our bodies and our souls (not to mention for our sanity!)
