Friday, January 22, 2010


Friends and supporters - so many of you have sent words of encouragement, ideas and info. I am on the road on this cancer adventure. I hope through this online journal to keep you updated about my progress, but also to share information about this thing we call cancer, women's health, health care and possibilities.

I have named the blog 'ApopSal' from the word 'apoptosis' which means 'cell suicide'. This is what I want - the natural self destruction of these cancer cells that have organized as this wierd tumor attached to my uterus. I am exploring both medical models inducing apoptosis and meditation models which many believe can induce apoptosis.

My current path:
I am scheduled to start chemo treatment next week. I am hoping to be cleared for a 'clinical trial' using substances that try to stimulate apoptosis along with the toxic chemo that attacks the cancer cells. I have a small problem standing in the way with my kidney, but am hoping to be cleared this weekend.

I am working as much as possible with all these tests: I continue to love my literacy/ developmental reading work and continue to explore brain based learning research as well as the importance of affective support - convincing my students that they are indeed smart and able to become critical readers. As many of you know, the community college path is the hope for hundreds of thousands of students needing to grow their critical thinking and learning skills, and to find an academic path towards life goals. Many of my students are older returning adults shoved off the manufacturing life path and needing to find another way to grow and exist. But many are also kids - those who are digital savvy but don't have the magic of the reading process to stimulate their brains.

So I keep myself occupied and thinking - also trying to do more drawing and painting and advocacy when I can. Dearest friends and supporters - that's the present news from ApopSal!


  1. sal

    thanks for doing this. sending massive love

  2. You are one amazing woman, Sal. I love who you are. :-)

    Re the cancer: No way that apoptosis won't work with all your openess to it.


  3. Sal, I like the definition "programmed cell death"; it seems so much more relaxed than "cell suicide".

    But whether relaxed or dramatic, I know you're going to make it happen.

    Love, love, and more love.

  4. Thanks for doing this, Sal! I'm always looking for mentors and I'm glad to have you as one!

  5. Love you sissal for ALWAYS embracing life, keeping me honest, and the best thirty year conversation anyone could hope for.

    Thank you masked man.

    Bro g

  6. Cathy and I are sending love, positive energy, and our thoughts for you of women laughing, dancing on the beach, spinning and jumping as they celebrate life and the wholeness of the universe!

  7. Dear Sally, i was just working with the blog so that i could write to you anyime that I am thinking about you and Beth. May tomorrow be a good day for the two of you. tory came for dinner and we talked colleges and life in general. I love you both.

  8. Dear Sally, Tory came to dinner last night and she is going to visit Christopher Newport college on Friday with her Mom Yea!!!!. She is quite a teen right now and we want her to focus on her future. Hopefully today was(is) a good day and that you are resting with little effects from yesterday. You are my hero ,my special Sissal, lover of my kids and Grans adn of me. We will be leaving Thursday right before the snow is supposed to hit here again. I am going to find you special shells and love you with all of my heart as well as Beth. Love Sissue

  9. So another day, and each day brings another adventure. Your words tell so much about the amazing woman that you are. Your strength is in your honesty and your ability to see what we all take for granted. I love you so much.

    Bro g

  10. Dear Sal, It is 10 a.m. on Wednesday. Last minute packing and cleaning out the fridgeUGH!!! It has to be done. You are the mostest bestest sister ever. i talked to Fran last night and she will be calling you, Another friend Walter Grigg's wife and she said that she never got nauseated. So here,s a toast to a happy belly. i will be calling you tonight. We are to get snow Friday and we leave Thursday morning. A close call. I love you with all of my heart Love Sissue

  11. This is the second test to see if I know the process

  12. A foot of snow and no school... Thinking of you as I read in front of the fire. Buzz our dog is up to his belly in snow. Love you. Bro g
