Thursday, September 23, 2010


Ah loyal readers, I am finally settled in to the latest chemo regime! I hope you haven't given up on me - I resolve to be a regular blogger from now on! Autumn has arrived in New England with balmy days as the foliage begins to blaze and the skies are blue.

When I received that daunting news that I needed to continue with weekly chemo, and therefore not return to work, I was thrown into a tailspin - what?? Not go back to work?? But finally I have settled in to my new regimen and I'm proceeding with the latest course of infusions. This week I had the full carboplatin- taxol dosage - put me a bit under the weather, but I am using my continued home bound status to adjust. Learning to live with it- with emphasis on LIVE!!

Heard on NPR that some of the new regulations for health care are going into effect: young people can stay on parent's insurance until 26; pre-existing conditions can't be used against the insured. These seem to be baby steps as the needs grow daily. When I look at the actual cost of my care, I am incredibly thankful that I have decent insurance: even so, treatment weighs on our resources. We need a true national health care system - why can't we Americans get it??

I heard also that Republicans plan to attempt to reverse the health care bill if they get the majority in the Senate: how about if they just extend to the rest of us the health care we pay for for them??? Seems that fall weather, the political mood and my awareness have made me a bit feisty!! At least cyber space enables me to speak my mind! Thanks as always for checking in - support national health care! 'Til I speak my mind again...


  1. Being feisty and having a positive "spin" on what you are experiencing are good signs! I've been fighting lymphoma for a year, and I just become a "follower" of your blog. I look forward to keeping up with your progress. Hang in there, baby, one day at a time!

  2. Sister Sally, I agree with you wholeheartedly re national health care (of course) and am so glad you do have decent medical insurance - thank the Goddess! Glad you are settling in at home and allowing the down time to be used for your benefit and return to health. Love you much, and can't wait to see you in NYC in Oct.
