Tuesday, May 11, 2010


HOORAY! HUZZAH! YIPPEE! And whatever other cheers that come to mind - my cancer marker numbers are WAY down! When first diagnosed, I had numbers up beyond 500 - recently in the 300's, and this week - 79 and falling!

Thanks to all the love an support that has surrounded me as I continue this strange journey. While I'm not quite to the desired number (18 or below), this steep decline has me much encouraged! Next week, I have the strange tunnel pictures made (CT Scan) that will tell more about the little monster. Beth and I have had a continuing image of butterflies, sneaking into my body, landing on the tumor, and with each landing, melting the monster away. Recently, I've had another image, that these healing butterflies actually transform the tumor into a caterpillar, that metamorphosizes into another healing butterfly, and flies out to find and transform other tumors.

I hope to use all the energy you all have passed my way to help with other kinds of positive change, such as advocating for truly universal health care, truly equal opportunity in education, and a real metamorphosis from the economic dictatorship of a few to sharing of the wealth. We have a ways to go... But this journey makes me so aware of how I want to spend this gift of time.

As winter has finally turned to spring, our scarlet honeysuckle is blooming, the peonies are about to pop, and I'm loving getting my hands in the dirt. Here's to the turning of the earth...


  1. As I said when I talked with you today...HURRAY and YIPPEE...it's working! So glad to hear this great news Sally...I'm smiling from ear-to-ear. :-)

    Vizualizing you, Vicki and I in NYC in Oct at CUNY and the "In Amerika They Call Us Dykes: Lesbian Lives in the 1970's" presentation talking about ALFA and Atlanta. :-)

  2. Sally & Lorraine -- October at CUNY in NYC -- sounds good to me. Let's talk. XO VG
